Tuesday 13 March 2012

Public Relations

Black (1993) stated that public relations is planned in order to create goodwill and mutual understandings between organisations and their public. According to Matsterman (2011) public relations is valued high as traditional mass media and methods often become too expensive as an option for organisations. Public relations can generate a high credibility for organisations through the goodwill and image that is generated by it. But it can lead to a negative image if it is not used in the correct way which can be very detrimental to organisations. Jefkins and Yadin (1998) stated that understanding is created via knowledge being given. Public relations is a two way process where organisations give knowledge to their public but then they require a response from the public for it to be successful.

 PR and events involves creating media opportunities which links to the importance of relationships that events have with the media. As many events are reported on or commented about by many news media but they have no control over the content so it may be positive or negative depending on what is appropriate within their objectives and not the events objectives. Which is why events have the crucial aim to achieve positive coverage for their event in order to gain the best exposure. 

Events establish PR through many different methods such as advertorials which are paid from by the event and are designed to read editorials. Feature articles are also another form of PR that are a one off piece that allows a depth and quality of information on the event. Advance articles can also be used which allow events to give their consumers a notification of the event using pictures, information and any competitions that the event has so is a lot briefer that advertorials or feature articles. Spokespeople and expertise is when events will use events managers who have created a reputation of strong opinion are popular with news media. They will be the spokesperson when the media want a reaction to a story which is why targeted media are kept aware of how to contact them quickly so that they are able to gain the opportunity for additional exposure is taken to the full advantage. 

Listings are created within news media that provide daily, weekly and monthly lists of events that their reader may be interested in. Readers offers and competitions will include event tickets and hospitality for their readers. Therefore this is mutually beneficial as the event gains PR and exposure and the media are seen as providing their readers with extra services and value. Finally if there are no opportunities within all the other methods event's organisers will then create newsworthy items or stories in order to attract media attention. 

London Fashion Weekend

London Fashion Weekend have created a PR campaign that consists of features, advance articles, listings and advertorials (editorials). These PR campaigns will be present in all targeted forms of media that they have also used for their print advertisement in order to create relationships with the right media for their target audience. All of these have been placed both in magazine and online mediums in order to gain greater exposure. With all of these factors in mind London Fashion Weekend have created PR in: 

  • Vogue 
  • Marie Claire
  • Elle
  • Stylist
  • Harpers Bazaar
  • The Telegraph
  • Local London publications

International Confex

When looking at the public relations that International Confex have done it can be seen that they have been extremely effective within their public relations in order to ensure that the best possible image is created of International Confex through releasing various press release starting from January 2011 right up until March 2012. All of these press releases made available on the International Confex website in the press section. With headlines varying from; Confex launch for award winning conference guide with face lift, London & Partners gets business “in the bag” for London at International Confex 2012, INTERNATIONAL CONFEX Creating Sporting Memories for Sport Relief and Olly Murs to headline outdoor summer event at newly developed Eirias Event Centre. There are hundreds of other press releases available on the list which can be seen in the image below and from the link: http://www.international-confex.com/page.cfm/Action=Press/t=m/goSection=4 

They have also had editorial pieces in over 60 worldwide publications. At least 20 industry and trade publications that run previews of the event detailing what exhibitors will be present and the event and what they will be promoting at the show itself. They also have feature articles from the director of Confex in Conference News order to present International Confex in the most positive light possible. 

The PR for each of these events are crucial to them in different ways this is because London Fashion Weekend rely on the PR they use to generate solid relationships which then in turn become their sponsors such as Elle which is one of their main sponsors. If they were to have bad PR they could lose the sponsorship of Elle which is a big deal to London Fashion Weekend due to the links and reputation that Elle have nationwide. They have a massive input into the London Fashion Weekend through clothing, modelling and experience. Whereas International Confex use the PR to generate industry bonds and establish secure foundations within the most influential publications within the industry which therefore is beneficial to their exhibitors of the event as they will gain positive PR through the positive PR that International Confex generates. But they both have the objective of creating good PR and PR relations for the success of the event and image of the organisation.


Bowdin,G. Allen, J. O'Toole, W. Harris, R. McDonnell, I. (2011) Events Management Third Edition. Great Britain. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

Masterman,G. Wood, E. (2011) Innovative marketing communication strategies for the events industry. New York. Routeledge. 

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