Wednesday 29 February 2012

Communication Objectives

The first part of written marketing communication plan will be creating the communication objectives. The objectives will be used to base the processes ahead upon. Masterman and Wood (2011) stated that it is crucial to have clearly defined objectives as they will set the boundaries and direction for the strategic decisions that must be made by the companies. Masterman and Wood (2011) also highlighted that the communication objectives will be based around the research analysis conducted in order to take advantage of the opportunities and strengths that present themselves within research such as target audience analysis and situation analysis.

When looking into the two events that have been chosen and the likely communication objectives that they would set for the events it would be assumed that they would have very contrasting communication objectives due to the obvious differences in the purpose of the events and their target audience.

London Fashion Weekend 

London Fashion Weekend's main communication objective is to inform their targeted audiences of the event itself and all the activities within the event as a form of enticement. As well as to sell tickets for the event and the different activities that are within the event such as the catwalk show. They also have communication objectives that revolve around attracting potential customers and repeat customers to the event so that they are able to reach a wider spread of people. 

International Confex

International Confex main communication objective is to attract event industry businesses and companies alongside people working within the industry. This is in order to create a business to business promotion along with sales and networking. As they do not have ticket selling this is not a communication objective that they have chosen. 

As can be seen the communication objectives of the two events are different as they are appealing to completely different target markets. London Fashion Weekend looks at drawing in customers for the tickets and activities of the event itself whereas International Confex objective is to specialise in communicating within the events industry and appealing to members of that targeted group and they do not have the factors of selling the event through ticketing but selling it through the opportunity of networking and resource gathering the happens within the event.


Masterman, G. Wood, E. (2011) Innovative marketing communications, strategies for the event     industry. New York. Routeledge.

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